Typical Benefits of a Properly Designed Vacuum System Include:
- Employee Health
- Cleaner Workplace
- Compliance to OSHA Permisible Exposure Limits (PEL) for Chemicals / Particulates
Typical Applications Include:
- Sanding
- Vacuum Dust Clean Up
- Welding
- CNC Dry Machining
- Pharmaceutical
- Transit Cleaning and Detailing (Automobile, Truck, Bus, Vans, Auction Facilties, etc.)
Our Typical Customers:
- Ceramic
- Fiberglass
- Collision Repair Shops
- Food and Pharmaceucital
- Industry
Advanced Features to Systems Include:
- Energy Control Systems with Variable Frequency Motors
- Overhead Vacuum Drops to Eliminate Trip Hazards
- Micro Switches to Turn Fan On / Off only when needed
Every customer and application is unique.